NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Wildlife Action Plan Search

2015 Wildlife Action Plan - Priority Conservation Action Search Tool

This tool allows you to search for Priority Conservation Actions listed in the 2015 NC Wildlife Action Plan using only the 1: Primary Search Option or by combining it with the 2: Secondary Search Option to filter the query.

  • The drop-down menu options for both primary and secondary search options are: Habitat Category, Habitat Type, Recommendation Category, River Basin, Taxa Type, and Threat
  • Find more information about these search options in in the 2015 NC Wildlife Action Plan, Chapter 3 Species and Chapter 4 Habitats
  • Search results can be printed or exported to a Microsoft Excel worksheet

To search for all species within a specific taxonomic group select a Taxa Type from the 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

To search for a particular Species Of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) use 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu to select the species name from the alphabetical list. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

To search for a particular natural community, select habitat type from the 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu, then select the natural community by name from the habitat type drop-down menu. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

To search for recommendations in a particular River Basin, use the 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu to select the name from an alphabetical list of basin names. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

To search for a particular Priority Conservation Action, use the 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu to select from one of the five Recommendation Categories: Research, Surveys, Monitoring, Management Practices, and Programs/Partnerships. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

To search for a specific threat category, use the 1: Primary Search Option drop-down menu to select from one of the 11 threat categories. Use the 2: Secondary Search Option to refine the search query.

Search Tool Examples

Click the “Clear” button before starting a new search.