NC WRC Logo   Deer Hunter Observation Survey  

WRC Customer ID:   
Last Name:   
Access Survey

Thank you for taking an active part in the conservation of North Carolina's wildlife resources! The NC Wildlife Resources Commission is seeking volunteers to report wildlife observations this deer season to help biologists improve management decisions. Hunter observations help managers track long-term wildlife population and distribution changes. Deer observations also provide information on fawn survival and buck to doe ratios.

Observations should only be recorded while still/stand hunting during the deer season. Please attempt to provide an accurate count for the animals listed in this survey. Record observations from each hunt (morning, evening, or daily) on a single row on the table. Separate morning and evening hunts on different rows for the same day, when applicable. Record all the animals you observe on each hunt, even if you suspect you have seen some of the same individual animals from a previous hunt. Record hours spent hunting, even if no animals were observed. Do not record observations of others with whom you hunted.

After submitting your observations online, new volunteers will automatically receive a paper survey form next season as an optional method to assist with recording data while in the field.

Historic hunter observation survey summaries are available on the NCWRC Deer Cooperator Program webpage.